Friday, April 18, 2014

No yolks about it | Gnocchi: take 2

Gnocchi Carbonara
On vacation in South Dakota, I had the luxury of watching the Food Network channel before we embarked on our journey through the brown country side of SD (a last minute get away for Shayne and I).  Tyler's Ultimate was on, showcasing a gnocchi recipe that was completely different than my previous attempt (a product from the Rachael Ray Show).  In hopes that I'd like it better than the last, I got a cookin'.  This doesn't mean the recipe from Rachael Ray Show was bad (because my friends and Shayne enjoyed it), it's me.  I'm struggling to enjoy this staple dish that has fed Italy for years, but I'm working on it.
From the get-go, this recipe was far easier to prepare than the spinach version posted back on February 22; but it still had to pass the taste test.  The major differences in preparation to note are: baked potatoes rather than boiled, egg whites instead of the whole shebang, and about 1/2 the flour.  These gnocchi will be more light and fluffy, right?
The actual recipe had it's own specialty sauce, but I didn't have the ingredients to prepare it; so I made the gnocchi per the recipe and then mixed together my own version of a carbonara style dish.  With peas, onions, turkey, garlic, and heavy cream; I sautéed up something delicious.   Though I continue to feel that something is missing with the relationship between gnocchi and I.  The journey continues to find a gnocchi that I love.
1 cup frozen peas, blanched
1/2 small onion
diced turkey
garlic to taste
heavy cream to taste
| side note | as I was looking for the gnocchi link on, I found many other gnocchi recipes by other chefs.  The search continues!

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