Wednesday, May 21, 2014


this little piggy...

Every Saturday before Labor Day is International Bacon Day, and there is no better way to celebrate than with a soiree in the backyard; and this year marks the second annual bacon event at the Wiener/Johnson household.  Testing recipes in hopes of adding new items to the menu has been lots of fun.  Follows is thankfully an edition that erupted into the top five items I will definitely be making come the weekend before Labor Day (and every week until then). 

Looking to the internet for a recipe, this is one of those dishes people cook that calls for 'a little bit of this and a little of that' until it tastes good.  This is the part of cooking that I have trouble with because I don't have the eye or tastes buds to determine what I should use and/or what is missing.  Raising above my cooking issues,  I graced my first bacon explosion with ground pork as my filler; then seasoned with a bit cayenne pepper, a touch of garlic powder, a dusting of herbs provence, a smidgen of fennel, and Lowry's salt to taste.  

Was that vague, yet descriptive enough? 

After the seasoning, role the basket weaved bacon shell over to encase all the goodness inside.  Once the meat is in a tight role, cook it on the grill until internal temperature is to 165 degrees (I cooked it on tin foil for the first part so the fat from the bacon and pork didn't messy up my grill.).  To achieve 165 degrees with my grill, it took about and hour on low heat (it jump 3 degrees when I went to get the camera, so keep an eye on it).

Now comes the best part of all, EATING it.  The smell of bacon permeated my entire house.
It was awesome.  Paired with a simple salad and a beer.  And I was set.

Variation of this are endless!  
Next time, I might try a BBQ flavor or add some vegetables inside.

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