Thursday, June 26, 2014

| pop youR cheRRy |

2 of 171 recipes...
117 to go...

Cheers to another couple tally marks under the down recipe column!  Just got overwhelmed looking through the book, thinking I might not be able to complete my New Year's resolution.  Chop chop, right?  LITERALLY!

Nut-Crusted Goat Cheese with Cherry Mostarda
Cherries are one of my most beloved seasonal fruits; so much so, I planted a sour cherry tree in my back yard the first spring I moved here.  This last winter was rough on my poor, young tree; so much so that unfortunately the production of fruit is extremely minimal (total of ten cherries I think).  But thankfully CostCo has tons of cherries for my recipes.

Making the mostarda was quick and simple; that is only after de-pitting all of a pound and a half of cherries (I only made half of what the recipe called for).   Combining all ingredients in a sauce pan, reduce (this took double the time than what the book described), and chill.  The mixed smells of mustard, sugar, and cherries made my mouth salivate; excited for when I'd be able to try the 'USE IT UP!' portion of this coupling.

Nut-crusted goat cheese day has arrived.  After just a couple minutes of toasting the pecans in the oven, this recipe was ready to through together.  After rolling the goat cheese in the toasted pecans, place on a plate (I put the mostarda on the plate first for a good visual effect), and serve.  *SUPER EASY*

The initial flavor had me wondering if I like the mix or not.  It's not your traditional cheese and crackers find of plate.  I had cherries mixed with mustard, wine, and sugar (per the book, an ancient recipe the upper class would do to preserve such luxury foods); my taste buds were not ready for such a combo.  But I assume by the empty plate in front of me, that it wasn't awful.  Also, Shayne approved. 

If I were to ever make this again, I'd hold back on the thyme mixed in when roasting the pecans; not because it was bad, I'm not a big fan of this herb.

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