Monday, January 20, 2014


3 of 80 recipes...
73 to go...

Apple Dices and Granola

I've learned a lot thus far when it comes to this cookbook and how to 'use 'em up', but I think the most fascinating thing I have learned  in a long time has come from the dried apple dices recipe; which is to use vitamin C powder mixed with water to keep your apples from browning.  Crazy stuff people!
Now onto the recipe...

...Following the directions this time, I found that dehydrating, stove style, took triple the time of what the recipe stated it would (maybe I did something different, and I don't know). Regardless the amount time that was required to make these dried apple dices, they were the perfect addition to the excellent homemade granola.  Jealous yet?  Yummy stuff people!

The only thing I'd do differently next time is to use whole almonds rather than sunflower seeds; I think it would add a different texture in the granola instead of getting lost in the oats.

Peach Jam

In my previous post, I shared that I prematurely purchased food for multiple recipes but didn't read the directions to the recipes, so I had to switch things up a bit while I wait for some vinegar to ferment.  This left me with some peaches I either had to eat or use in a recipe; so we made jam.

The preparation for this recipe was easy-peasy!  To my knowledge, I have never blanched a peach before; sounded slightly intimidating, but it went well...and I had help too.  Two of my nieces were helping with this project.   Pictured above is my niece, Destiny.  

I did have some trouble with the cooking of the jam.  Either the operator of the thermometer or the thermometer itself didn't work; either way the jam cooked a little too long and got extra stiff.  The flavor is still good and the jam is eatable; but most of all, this was a good activity for some girls wanting to hang with their auntie.  Thanks ladies!

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