Friday, February 14, 2014

Let's do this once a week!

Put 'em Up! Fruit
2 of 80 recipes...
62 to go...
Vegetable Stir-Fry with Lemon Ginger Sauce
A couple weeks ago I made six jars of lemon ginger marmalade.  I wasn't sure if I cooked it long enough to set properly, and for that reason I wasn't excited to 'use it up' (in reference to the cookbook).  Once in the jars and all sealed up, the marmalade consistency was that of a salsa; aka way too thin.  In an effort to right a wrong (experiment), I returned one of the jars to a sauce pan and continued cooking it until it reduced by nearly a 1/3; then jarred and sealed it again.  When cooled, I shook the jar...and it didn't move or wiggle at all.  At this point I did what any inexperienced canner person would do: I stuffed all six jars in the cupboard, and these golden gems were out of sight and out of mind. 
Fast forward to today...the original five jars of marmalade had set and the consistency is now of marmalade.  This is very similar to what the book said: "marmalades are really best after they 'cure' for a few weeks in the jar..."

Feeling the need to complete a section of recipes, I dug out the marmalade hoping it was good.  With Shayne's help, we chopped and cooked lots of healthy vegetables in a wok.  In addition to the veggies, this is the first recipe I adjusted ever so slightly and added some thinly sliced chicken breast to add some substance.  Jumping forward to the last step of the recipe, adding the marmalade, soy sauce concoction to coat everything.  The aroma that filled the kitchen was salivating!
The recipe gave suggestions as to which veggies would work well in a stir-fry, so we added: celery, carrots, asparagus, and rather than an onion I used a leek.  Because I didn't think ahead, I didn't prepare anything to go with the dish; so to add some crunch I had a side of Triscuits.  After my little photo session with a great food stylist (thanks Shayne), we grubbed!  After the first few bites, Shayne looked at me and said "let's do this once a week."
We have another winner people...Wahoo!

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