Monday, March 31, 2014

Strawberry Patch

Put 'em Up! Fruit
2 of 80 recipes...
46 to go...

Classic Strawberry Jam & Thumbprint Cookies
After the first batch quickly disappeared, I was forced to make more strawberry jam to complete the 'use it up!' recipe.  This was my first time making a jam that actually set, so I didn't hesitate when I ~had~ to make more for the thumbprint cookies.
With six simple ingredients, I whipped up some awesome sugar-cookie style cookies that vanished as fast as they came out of the oven.  They don't look pretty, but the flavor makes up for it.  The cookie recipe called for additional sugar to be sprinkled over the cookies before cooking; but I found that it wasn't needed and messy.

Other Additions, Totaling 7...
One of the six ingredients was vanilla extract and coincidently I had some homemade vanilla extract almost done steeping (8 weeks), so I harvested it a couple days early to use in the cookie recipe.  This is the most expensive vanilla extract I've had/used, but it will be, hands down, the most pure extract...ever.  With no expiration date (due to the vodka), I'll have this until the day it's all gone.

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