Friday, May 2, 2014

Grape n Steak

2 of 171 recipes...
121 to go... 

Classic Concord Grape Jam
Butter-Basted Steak with Grape Reduction
As a photographer, I should be doing a better job at capturing the beauty of these dishes created from this book.  Sadly by the time it's ready to eat, I'm too hungry to putts with it further than what I do. Enough with the excuses!  

Let's discuss the grape jam: it's sweet, it's purple, and it's super easy to make!  I made it a few weeks ago, and since then I've been mixing it with plain greek yogurt (SO YUMMY).  Maybe sprinkle on some granola??  I figured I should make the 'Use it Up' recipe before I have consumed it all and am force to make it once more.
Let's discuss the steak: it's pan seared, it's a ribeye, and it's good.  I'm a big ribeye fan, and I traditionally enjoy this cut of meat simply marinaded in olive oil, salt, and pepper - nothing more; grill it to a nice medium and I'm all set.  Now to the 'Use it Up' recipe, I felt that I should have used a different cut of beef, as if I was wasting a perfectly good cut of meat by smothering it with a sauce that masked the natural flavor.  This does NOT mean the jam/wine mixture atop the steak was bad; it means I enjoy my beef el natural.  I'll continue to use the jam for cookies, yogurt, and toast rather than to waste my steak, wine, and jam.

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